If you are at any point in the foreclosure process, don’t worry. You are going the right direction by reading our website for steps you can take. And remember, there’s no shame as this can happen to anyone… And has, many times!
You first need to decide whether you want to:
A) Keep Your House
B) Sell Your House
Select one of the options above for further information. Once you see your options, you’ll feel much better about the situation!
“Why Should I Care?”
Regrettably, there are many that know the pains of a foreclosed home. Your credit will be wrecked for close to a decade. You certainly won’t be able to get a loan for anything for a while. Instead of building equity by paying down a mortgage and owning a home, you’ll be forced to rent for years to come in some other person’s house.
Your family will be uprooted. Indeed, you will lose the convenience of your local neighbors and friends, easy access to stores that you’ve patronized regularly, and the familiar local features of your neighborhood… The list goes on. Do you see? There are many losses in having to move. Who is going to pay for the costs to move into a whole new place?
This may sound harsh, but we hate to see people go through these pains when they could have been avoided. Imagine yourself battling these new challenges in life. It’s real, and we want to help you save your credit. Please take the effort on the front end to learn what can be done to save your situation, and you’ll be glad you did later!