Nashville Real Estate Updates

Nashville is booming and we all know it! Here’s some relatively recent happenings in the area:


  • Airbnb – Davidson County’s public is requesting a phase-out of non-owner occupant Short Term Rental Properties. It has moved through the city’s processes and now awaits a final vote from Metro Council, postponed until July 2017. Read more here.


  •  Home Sales – May ’17 closes out with the largest number yet of home sales in Nashville, TN.


  • Bubble?! – A background chit-chat continues among investors and professionals in various industries regarding a developing real estate bubble. Historically speaking, we are due for an economical dip in the next 24 months. Those with their fingers on the pulse are observing several suspicious metrics in the market, such as the ratio of new home sales to existing home sales. Exploding appreciation has out-paced job and income growth. How long can it last? Meanwhile, many aspects of the real estate industry remain healthy and robust. Nashville continues to have a net sum of 100s of new residents each week. Interest rates remain low. Banks continue to vet borrowers for safer loans.

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